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Tenth grade is the Confirmation year. During the first part of the year, students explore key issues about Israel today through personalities and geography. All students have the opportunity to participate in the Confirmation Class Trip to Israel in December. This peer trip helps develop a connection between the lessons taught within the school and the experience of Israel. The second semester includes a Confirmation Seminar taught by the respective congregational rabbis to prepare the students for the Confirmation Ceremony.

2019 Confirmation Class

Israel Trip  

The Confirmation Israel Experience is designed to be an exciting and motivational opportunity for our teens to enrich their Jewish identities through a personal connection to the land, people and religion of Israel. During the winter holiday break, the students hike and tour, meet Israeli teens, do Mitzvah projects and visit sites of historical and contemporary interest. The trip is open to friends from Temple Beth Hillel Beth El, Beth Am Israel and Har Zion Temple.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785